Monday, June 28, 2010

Handbook of Electric Power Calculations 3 ed

This problem-solving package makes it easier than ever to find and use the right calculation. The most powerful calculations tool available to electrical engineers, the Handbook delivers step-by-step directions and examples for the entire range of electric power problem-solving. Written by industry experts and edited by McGraw-Hill's "Standard Handbook of Electrical Engineering" editor H. Wayne Beaty, this popular guide is the only answer you need for trouble-free electric power calculations.This book includes: CD-ROM with most-used calculations and formulas live; up-to-date system design calculations; deregulatory operating changes; current National Electrical Code[registered] standards; advances in transformers and motors; and, problem-solving techniques and examples in network analysis, instrumentation, all types of motors and generators, transmission lines, power system control,


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