Saturday, September 26, 2009


Fuji Electric FA Components and Systems Co., Ltd. (FCS) dissolved its partnership in the manufacture and sale of general-purpose invertors with General Electric Company (GE) in January 2007.

In accordance with the dissolution agreement between FCS and GE, the parties divided the assets of their joint ventures. The joint venture manufacturing business in Wuxi, China became a 100% subsidiary of FCS, and the manufacturing business in Monterrey, Mexico became a 100% subsidiary of GE.

FCS will begin selling Fuji brand products in North, Central and South America in the summer of 2007.

Fuji Electric Corp. of America(FECOA) is responsible for the sale, marketing and distribution throughout North America of products manufactured by Fuji Electric Group companies in Japan. Perfected through extensive research and development, Fuji Electric products are unparalleled in quality and reliability.

FECOA is proud to offer these exceptional products, and committed to finding solutions that satisfy every customer's needs. With our dedicated customer service department and field network of knowledgeable sales professionals, our North American customer is assured sales support as solid as the products we offer.

A N E W L O G O !
Fuji Electric Corp. of America has changed its logo. Fuji Electric products, packages and manuals will bear the new "" logo, therefore, the logo engraved on products will be gradually updated.

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