第一节PLC简述 PLC Section Description | 一、PLC的特点: 1, PLC features: | 1、高可靠性 1, high-reliability 2、编程简单,使用方便 2, programming simple and easy to use 可采用梯形图编程方式,与实际继电器控制电路非常接近,一般电气工作者很容易接受。 Ladder can be used programmatically, with the actual relay control circuit is very close to, general electrical workers, and very acceptable. 3、环境要求低 3, the environment that require low 适用于恶劣的工业环境。 For harsh industrial environments. 4、体积小,重量轻 4, small size, light weight, 5、扩充方便,组合灵活 5, expansion of convenient and flexible combination of | 二、PLC的硬件结构: 2, PLC hardware structure: | 1、硬件框图 1, the hardware block diagram | 
| 2、输入接口电路 2, input interface circuit 为了保证能在恶劣的工业环境中使用,PLC输入接口都采用了隔离措施。 In order to ensure in harsh industrial environments, PLC input interface have adopted quarantine measures. 如下图,采用光电耦合器为电流输入型,能有效地避免输入端引线可能引入的电磁场干扰和辐射干扰。 The following figure, using optocoupler for the current input type, and can effectively avoid the possible introduction of the input leads of EMF interference and radiated interference. 在光敏输出端设置RC滤波器,是为了防止用开关类触点输入时触点振颤及抖动等引起的误动作,因此使得PLC内部约有10ms的响应滞后。 Output is set in the photosensitive RC filter, is designed to prevent contact with the switch type input such as contact chatter and jitter caused by malfunction, thus making the internal PLC response lag of about 10ms. 当各种传感器(如接近开关、光电开关、霍尔开关等)作为输入点时,可以用PLC机内提供的电源或外部独立电源供电,且规定了具体的接线方法,使用时应加注意。 When the various sensors (such as proximity switches, photoelectric switches, Hall switches, etc.) as an input point can be used to provide power supply PLC machine or an external independent power supply, and provides specific wiring methods should be used with Canada Note.
| 3、输出接口电路 3, the output interface circuit | PLC一般都有三种输出形式可供用户选择,即继电器输出,晶体管输出和晶闸管输出。 PLC are generally three kinds of output forms to choose from, namely, relay output, transistor output, and thyristor output. 在线路结构上都采用了隔离措施。 In the line structure have adopted quarantine measures. 特点: Features: 继电器输出:开关速度低,负载能力大,适用于低频场合。 Relay output: switching speed is low, the load capacity, apply to low-frequency occasions. 晶体管输出:开关速度高,负载能力小,适用于高频场合。 Transistor Output: high-speed switching, load capacity of a small, suitable for high frequency applications. 晶闸管输出:开关速度高,负载能力小,适用于高频场合。 Thyristor Output: high switching speed, load capacity of a small, suitable for high frequency applications. 注意事项: Note: (1)PLC输出接口是成组的,每一组有一个COM口,只能使用同一种电源电压。 (1) PLC output interface into a group, each group has a COM port, can only use the same supply voltage. (2)PLC输出负载能力有限,具体参数请阅读相关资料。 (2) PLC output load capacity is limited, specific parameters read the relevant information. (3)对于电感性负载应加阻容保护。 (3) For inductive loads should be added to resistance-capacitance protection. (4)负载采用直流电源小于30V时,为了缩短响应时间,可用并接续流二极管的方法改善响应时间。 (4) the load is less than 30V DC power supply used, in order to shorten the response time, available and follow-diode of the ways to improve the response time. | 
| 三、三菱FX2 PLC实物图及面板上的LED指示说明(用鼠标在各处点点) 全屏观看 3, Mitsubishi FX2 PLC physical map and the instructions on the front panel LED (with the mouse around the little bit of) full-screen viewing | | 第二节PLC的工作过程 Section II of the working process of PLC | PLC大多采用成批输入/输出的周期扫描方式工作,按用户程序的先后次序逐条运行。 PLC they use a batch input / output cycle of scanning work, according to the order by one user program to run. 一个完整的周期可分为三个阶段: A complete cycle can be divided into three stages: (一)输入刷新阶段 (A) input stage refresh 程序开始时,监控程序使机器以扫描方式逐个输入所有输入端口上的信号,并依次存入对应的输入映象寄存器。 Program begins, control procedures to enable the machine to scan mode one by one all the input ports on the input signal, and turn into the corresponding input image register. (二)程序处理阶段 (B) the procedures for processing phase 所有的输入端口采样结束后,即开始进行逻辑运算处理,根据用户输入的控制程序,从第一条开始,逐条加以执行,并将相应的逻辑运行结果,存入对应的中间元件和输出元件映象寄存器,当最后一条控制程序执行完毕后,即转入输出刷新处理。 All samples after the end of the input ports, namely, logical operations to begin processing, based on user input control procedures, from the first start to be implemented one by one, and the corresponding logical operation result into the middle of the corresponding components and output components, image registers, control of program execution when the last one finished, is transferred to the output refresh processing. (三)输出刷新阶段 (C) Output refresh period 将输出元件映象寄存器的内容,从第一个输出端口开始,到最后一个结束,依次读入对应的输出锁存器,从而驱动输出器件形成可编程的实际输出。 Image output device registers the contents of an output port from the first beginning of the last one ended, followed by reading the corresponding output latch, thus driving the output device is programmable to form the actual output. | 一般地,PLC的一个扫描周期约10ms,另外,可编程序控制器的输入/输出还有响应滞后(输入滤波约10ms),继电器机械滞后约10ms,所以,一个信号从输入到实际输出,大约有20--30ms的滞后。 In general, PLC, a scanning cycle of about 10ms, In addition, the programmable logic controller input / output have to respond to lag (input filter is about 10ms), relay mechanical lag of about 10ms, therefore, a signal from the input to the actual output, there are about 20 - 30ms lag. 输入信号的有效宽度应大于1个周期+10ms。 Effective width of the input signal should be more than one cycle of +10 ms. | 第三节三菱FX PLC中各种元件介绍(以FX2-64MR为例) Mitsubishi FX PLC Section III describes the various components (in FX2-64MR as an example) | 一、输入继电器 X 1, input relay X | - X、Y还有无数个常开、常闭触点供编程使用。 X, Y there are countless always open, normally closed contact for the program to use.
- Y外部分仅有一个常开触点供带动负载使用。 Outer part of the Y is only one normally open contact for the use of driven load.
- 可以看出每组都是8个 As can be seen in each group were 8
- 输入输出点数根据实际工程需要来确定。 Input and output points based on the actual project we need to determine.
- 可采用主机+扩展的方式来使用,扩展的编号依次编下去。 Host + extension methods can be used to use to expand the numbers in serial order down.
| X0--X7 X0 - X7 X10-X17 X10-X17 X20-X27 X20-X27 X30-X37 X30-X37 | (共32点) (32 points) | 二、输出继电器 Y 2, the output relay Y | Y0--Y7 Y0 - Y7 Y10--Y17 Y10 - Y17 Y20--Y27 Y20 - Y27 Y30--Y37 Y30 - Y37 | (共32点) (32 points) | 三、辅助继电器 M 3, auxiliary relay M (1)通用辅助继电器 (One) Universal Auxiliary Relay M0--M499(共500个),关闭电源后重新启动后,通用继电器不能保护断电前的状态。 M0 - M499 (total 500), turn off the power re-launched, general-purpose relays can not protect the state before the power failure. (2)掉电保持辅助继电器 (2) power down to maintain auxiliary relay M500--M1023(共524个),PLC断电后再运行时,能保持断电前的工作状态,采用锂电池作为PLC掉电保持的后备电源。 M500 - M1023 (total 524), PLC power off and then run-time, can keep working condition before the power failure, using lithium batteries as a power-down to keep a back-up power supply PLC. (3)特殊辅助继电器 (3) Special auxiliary relay M8000--M8255(共156点),有特殊用途,将在其它章节中另作介绍。 M8000 - M8255 (156 points), there are special purpose, will be introduced separately in other chapters. 辅助继电器都有无数个常开、常闭触点供编程使用,只能作为中间继电器使用,不能作为外部输出负载使用。 Auxiliary relays have numerous regular open, normally closed contact for the program to use, can only be used as an intermediate relay can not be used as an external output load. | 四、状态继电器 S 4, the state relays S (1)通用状态继电器S0--S499 (1) General state relays S0 - S499 (2)掉电保持型状态继电器S499-S899 (2) The power-down hold-type state relays S499-S899 (3)供信号报警用:S900-S999 (3) for the signal alarm use: S900-S999 状态继电器S是对工作步进控制进行简易编程的重要元件,这里不作进一步的介绍。 State relay S is a simple job stepping control of an important component of programming, where no further introduction. | 五、定时器 T 5, timer T (1)定时器 (1) Timer T0--T199 (200只):时钟脉冲为100ms的定时器,即当设定值K=1时,延时100ms。 T0 - T199 (200 only): The clock pulse for 100ms timer that, when setting the value of K = 1, the delay 100ms. 设定范围为0.1--3276.7秒。 Set the range of 0.1 - 3276.7 seconds. T200--T245(46只):时钟脉冲为10ms的定时器,即当设定值K=1时,延时10mS。 T200 - T245 (46 pcs): The clock pulse for 10ms timer that, when setting the value of K = 1, the delay 10mS. 设定范围为0.01--327.67秒。 The setting range is 0.01 - 327.67 seconds. (2)积算定时器 (2) Totalizer Timers T246--T249(4只) :时钟脉冲为1ms的积算定时器。 T246 - T249 (4 only): the product of the clock pulse, 1ms timer count. 设定范围:0.001--32.767秒。 Setting range :0.001 - 32.767 seconds. T250--T255 (6只) :时钟脉冲为100ms的积算定时器。 T250 - T255 (6 pcs): the product of the clock pulse for 100ms timer count. 设定范围:0.1--3267.7秒。 Setting range 0.1 - 3267.7 seconds. 积算定时器的意义:当控制积算定时器的回路接通时,定时器开始计算延时时间,当设定时间到时定时器动作,如果在定时器未动作之前控制回路断开或掉电,积算定时器能保持已经计算的时间,待控制回路重新接通时,积算定时器从已积算的值开始计算。 Totalizer the significance of the timer: When the control loop timer totalizer connected, the timer start to delay time, when the time is set when the timer moves, if the timer does not move or fall off before the control loop electricity and totalizer timer can maintain already calculated the time until the control loop to re-connect when the timer from a Totalizer Totalizer value is counted. 积算定时器可以用RST命令复位。 Totalizer reset the timer can be RST command. | 五、计数器 C 5, counter C (1)16bit加计数器 (1) 16bit plus Counter C0--C99(100点):通用型 C0 - C99 (100 points): Universal C100-C199(100点):掉电保持型 C100-C199 (100 points): Power-down hold-type 设定值范围:K1--K32767 Set value range: K1 - K32767 (2)32bit可逆计数器 (2) 32bit CNTR C200--C219(20点):通用型 C200 - C219 (20 points): Universal C220--C234(15点):掉电保持型。 C220 - C234 (15 points): Power-down hold-type. 设定值范围:-2147483648到+2147483647 Set value range: -2,147,483,648 to +2147483647 可逆计数器的计数方向(加计数或减计数)由特殊辅助继电器M8200--M8234设定。 Reversible counter count direction (plus or minus count count) from the special auxiliary relay M8200 - M8234 set. 即M8△△△接通时作减计数,当M8△△△断开时作加计数。 The M8 △ △ △ when connected by count, when the M8 △ △ △ count increases when disconnected. (3)高速计数器:C235--C255(后面章节实例中作介绍) (3) high-speed counter: C235 - C255 (later chapters in the introductory example) | 六、数据寄存器 D 6, the data register D D0--D199(200只):通用型数据寄存器,即掉电时全部数据均清零。 D0 - D199 (200 only): general-purpose data registers, that is, when you power down all the data are cleared. D200--D511(312只):掉电保护型数据寄存器。 D200 - D511 (312 only): power-off protection-type data registers. | 七、变址寄存器 (在实例中作介绍) 7, variable location register (in the instance of introductory) | |
第四节FX2 PLC基本指令 Section IV FX2 PLC basic commands | 2-2-1 触点取用与线圈输出指令LD、LDI、OUT 2-2-1 contact and coil access to the output instruction LD, LDI, OUT | 2-2-2 单个触点串联指令AND、ANI 2-2-2 Contact series single instruction AND, ANI | 2-2-3 单个触点并联指令OR、ORI 2-2-3 single contact parallel instruction OR, ORI | 2-2-4 串联电路块的并联OR 2-2-4 series circuit block parallel OR | 2-2-5 并联电路块的串联ANB 2-2-5 in series parallel circuit block ANB | 2-2-6 LDP、LDF、ANDP、ANDF、ORP、ORF(FX2n型有) 2-2-6 LDP, LDF, ANDP, ANDF, ORP, ORF (FX2N-type available) | 2-2-7 多重输出电路MPS、MRD、MPP 2-2-7 Multi-output circuit MPS, MRD, MPP | 2-2-8 主控及主控复位指令MCMCR 2-2-8 master and the master reset command MCMCR | 2-2-9 脉冲输出PLS、PLF 2-2-9 pulse output PLS, PLF | 2-2-10 自保持与解除SET、RST 2-2-10 self-preservation and the lifting of SET, RST | 2-2-11 计数器、定时器线圈输出和复位指令OUT、RST 2-2-11 counters, timers coil output and reset command OUT, RST | 2-2-12 空操作指令NOP 2-2-12 Air-op NOP | 2-2-12 程序结束指令END 2-2-12 end of the process instruction END | 2-2-13 梯形图设计的规则和技巧 2-2-13 ladder design rules and techniques | | |
LD,LDI,OUT指令 LD, LDI, OUT command | 指令助记符与功能: Instruction mnemonic and functions: 符号、名称 Symbol, Name | 功能 Function | 可用元件 Available Components | 程序步 Program step | LD 取 LD take | a触点逻辑运算开始 a logical starting contact | X,Y,M,S,T,C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | LDI 取反 LDI take anti - | b触点逻辑运算开始 b-contact logical operation started | X,Y,M,S,T,C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | OUT 输出 OUT output | 线圈驱动 Coil Driver | Y,M,S,T,C Y, M, S, T, C | Y,M:1 Y, M: 1 S,特,M:2 S, special, M: 2 T:3 T: 3 C:3-5 C :3-5 |
| 注:当使用M1536-M3071时,程序步加1。 Note: When using the M1536-M3071, the program steps plus one.
| 指令说明: Instruction Note: LD,LDI指令用于将触点接到母线上。 LD, LDI instruction is used to contact the receiving bus. 另外,与后面讲到的ANB指令组合,在分支起点处也可使用。 In addition, with the back of the ANB instruction mentioned combination of the branch at the starting point may be used. OUT指令是对输出继电器、辅助继电器、状态、定时器、计数器的线圈驱动指令,对输入继电器不能使用。 OUT instruction is the output relays, auxiliary relays, status, timers, counters coil-driven instruction, the input relays can not be used. OUT指令可作多次并联使用。 OUT instruction can be used many times in parallel use. (在下图中,在OUT M100之后,接OUT T0) (In the next figure, in the OUT M100, the next OUT T0)
| 编程: Programming: | | 
| 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 OUT Y000 1 OUT Y000 2 LDI X001 2 LDI X001 3 OUT M100 3 OUT M100 4 OUT T0 K19 ——程序步自动管理空2步 4 OUT T0 K19 - automate the management of an empty 2-step process-step 7 LD T0 7 LD T0 8 OUT Y001 8 OUT Y001 | 定时器、计数器的程序: Timer, counter program: | - 对于定时器的计时线圈或计数器的计数线圈,使用OUT指令以后,必须设定常数K。 For the timer or counter count timing coil coil, using the OUT instruction, must set the constant K. 此外,也可指定数据寄存器的地址号。 It can also specify the data register the address number.
- 常数K的设定范围、实际的定时器常数、相对于OUT指令的程序步数(包括设定值)如下表所示。 Constant K of the set range, the actual timer constant, relative to the OUT instruction program step number (including the set value) are as follows.
| 定时器、计数器 Timers, counters | K的设定范围 K, setting the scope of | 实际的设定值 Actual settings | 步数 Step Number | 1ms定时器 1ms timer | 1-32,767 1-32,767 | 0.001-32.767秒 0.001-32.767 seconds | 3 3 | 10ms定时器 10ms Timer | 1-32,767 1-32,767 | 0.01-327.67秒 0.01-327.67 seconds | 3 3 | 100ms定时器 100ms timer | 0.1-3,276.7秒 0.1-3,276.7 seconds | 16位计数器 16-bit counter | 1-32,767 1-32,767 | 同左 With the left | 3 3 | 32位计数器 32-bit counter | -2,147,483,648 - +2,147,483,647 -2,147,483,648 - +2,147,483,647 | 同左 With the left | 3 3 |
AND,ANI指令 AND, ANI instruction | 助记符与功能: Mnemonic and function: | 符号、名称 Symbol, Name | 功能 Function | 可用软元件 Available soft-component | 程序步 Program step | AND 与 AND and | a触点串联连接 a contact in series connection | X,Y,M,S,T,C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | ANI 与非 ANI and non - | b触点串联连接 b-contact series connection | X,Y,M,S,T,C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 |
| 当使用M1536-M3071时,程序步加1。 When using the M1536-M3071, the program steps plus one. | 指令说明: Instruction Note: | - 用AND,ANI指令可进行1个触点的串联连接。 Use AND, ANI instruction can be a contact in series connection. 串联触点的数量不受限制,该指令可多次使用。 Unlimited number of contacts in series, the directive can be used multiple times.
OUT指令后,通过触点对其他线圈使用OUT指令,称之为纵接输出,(下图的OUT M101 与OUT Y004) OUT instruction, through contact with other coils using the OUT instruction, known as vertical take out, (below the OUT M101 and OUT Y004)
这种纵接输出,如果顺序不错,可多次重复。 This longitudinal Then the output is true if the sequence can be repeated. 串联触点数和纵接输出次数不受限制,但使用图形编程设备和打印机则有限制。 Series contact number and pick out an unlimited number of vertical, but the use of graphical programming devices and printers is limited. 建议尽量做到1行不超过10个触点和1个级圈,总共不要超过24行。 Recommendations as far as possible a line of no more than 10 contacts and a class ring, a total of not more than 24 lines.
| 编程: Programming: | 
| 0 LD X002 0 LD X002 1 AND X000 1 AND X000 2 OUT Y003 2 OUT Y003 3 LD Y003 3 LD Y003 4 ANI X003 4 ANI X003 5 OUT M101 5 OUT M101 6 AND T1 6 AND T1 7 OUT Y004 7 OUT Y004 | 
| 如上图所示,紧接着OUT M101以后通过触点T1可以驱动OUT Y004,但如是驱动顺序相反(如左图所示)时,则必须使用后面讲到的MPS和MPP命令。 As shown, followed by OUT M101 after the T1 can drive through the contacts OUT Y004, but the case of driving in reverse order (such as the left below), then you must use the following commands mentioned MPS and MPP. | OR,ORI指令 OR, ORI instruction | 指令助记符与功能: Instruction mnemonic and functions: | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 可用软元件 Available soft-component | 程序步 Program step | OR 或 OR or | a触点并联连接 a contact parallel connection | X,Y,M,S,T,C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | ORI 或非 ORI or | b 触点并联连接 b-contact parallel connection | X,Y,M,S,T,C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 |
| 当使用M1536-M3071时,程序步加1 When using the M1536-M3071, the program steps plus 1 | 指令说明: Instruction Note: | 串联连接2个以上触点时,并将这种串联电路块与其他电路并联连接时,采用后面讲到的ORB指令。 Series Connection When two or more contacts, and this series circuit connected in parallel with other circuit blocks, the use of the latter referred to the ORB instruction.
OR,ORI是从该指令的步开始,与前面的LD,LDI指令步,进行并联连接。 OR, ORI is a step instruction from the beginning of the previous LD, LDI-step instructions to carry out parallel connection. 并联连接的次数不受限制,但使用图形编程设备和打印机时受限制(24行以下) An unlimited number of parallel connections, the use of graphical programming devices and printers restricted (24 lines or less)
| 编程: Programming: | 
| 0 LD X004 0 LD X004 1 OR X006 1 OR X006 2 ORI M102 2 ORI M102 3 OUT Y005 3 OUT Y005 4 LDI Y005 4 LDI Y005 5 AND X007 5 AND X007 6 OR M103 6 OR M103 7 ANI X010 7 ANI X010 8 OR M110 8 OR M110 9 OUT M103 9 OUT M103 | | ORB 指令 ORB instruction | 指令助记符与功能 Instruction mnemonic and function | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 程序步 Program step | ORB 电路块或 ORB circuit block or | 串联电路块的并联连接 Series circuit block parallel connection | 1 1 |
| 指令说明 Directive Description | 2个以上的触点串联连接的电路称为串联电路块。 More than 2 contacts in series connection circuit is called a series circuit block. 将串联电路并联连接时,分支开始用LD、LDI指令,分支结束用ORB指令。 The series circuit in parallel connection, the branch began to LD, LDI instruction, branch instruction ending with the ORB. ORB指令与后面讲的ANB指令等一样,是不带软元件地址号的独立指令。 ORB instruction and behind the talk, like the ANB instruction is not the soft component with a number of independent instruction address. 有多个并联电路时,若对每个电路块使用ORB指令,则并联电路没有限制。 There are multiple parallel circuit, if the right of each circuit block using the ORB instruction, then the parallel circuit is no limit. (见正确编程程序) (See the correct programming procedure) ORB也可以成批地使用,但是由于LD,LDI指令的重复使用次数限制在8次以下,请务必注意。 ORB can also be used in batches, but because of LD, LDI instructions to limit the number of re-use 8 times less, please be sure to pay attention. (见编程不佳的程序) (See Programming poor procedures)
| 编程 Programming |  | 正确编程程序 The correct programming procedures 1 LD X000 1 LD X000 2 AND X001 2 AND X001 3 LD X002 3 LD X002 4 AND X003 4 AND X003 5 ORB 5 ORB 6 LDI X004 6 LDI X004 7 AND X006 7 AND X006 8 ORB 8 ORB 9 OUT Y006 9 OUT Y006 | 编程不佳的程序 Programming procedures for poor 1 LD X000 1 LD X000 2 AND X001 2 AND X001 3 LD X002 3 LD X002 4 AND X003 4 AND X003 5 LDI X004 5 LDI X004 6 AND X006 6 AND X006 7 ORB 7 ORB 8 ORB 8 ORB 9 OUT Y006 9 OUT Y006 | ANB 指令 ANB instruction | 指令助记符与功能: Instruction mnemonic and functions: | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 程序步 Program step | ANB 电路块与 ANB circuit block and | 并联电路块的串联连接 Parallel circuit blocks connected in series | 1 1 |
| 指令说明: Instruction Note: | 当分支电路(并联电路块)与前面的电路串联连接时,使用ANB指令,分支的起点用LD,LDI指令,并联电路块结束后用ANB 指令,与前面的电路串联。 When the branch circuit (parallel circuit blocks) and in front of the circuit in series connection, the use of ANB instruction, the starting point of the branch with the LD, LDI instruction, in parallel with the end of the circuit block of ANB instruction, and in front of the circuit in series. 若多个并联电路块按顺序和前面的电路串联连接时,则ANB 指令的使用次数没有限制。 If the number of parallel circuit blocks according to the order and in front of the circuit in series connection, then ANB instructions no limit to the frequency of use. 也可成批地使用ANB指令,但在这种场合,与ORB指令一样,LD、LDI指令的使用次数是有限制的(8次以下),请务必请意 ANB can also use the batch command, but in this occasion, with the same ORB instruction, LD, LDI instruction usage is limited (8 below), please be sure to Italy
| 编程: Programming: | 
| 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 OR X001 1 OR X001 2 LD X002 2 LD X002 3 AND X003 3 AND X003 4 LDI X004 4 LDI X004 5 AND X005 5 AND X005 6 ORB 6 ORB 7 OR X006 7 OR X006 8 ANB 8 ANB 9 OR X003 9 OR X003 10 OUT Y007 10 OUT Y007 | |
| LDP、LDF、ANDP、ANDF、ORP、ORF指令 LDP, LDF, ANDP, ANDF, ORP, ORF instructions | 指令助指符与功能: Instruction to help that character and features: | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 可用软元件 Available soft-component | 程序步 Program step | LDP 取脉冲 LDP to take pulse | 上升沿检测运算开始 Rising edge detection operation started | X、Y、M、S、T、C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | LDF 取脉冲 LDF to take pulse | 下降沿检测运算开始 Falling edge detection operation started | X、Y、M、S、T、C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | ANDP 与脉冲 ANDP and pulse | 上升沿检测串联连接 Rising edge detection of serial connection | X、Y、M、S、T、C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | ANDF 与脉冲 ANDF and pulse | 下降沿检测串联连接 Falling edge detection of serial connection | X、Y、M、S、T、C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | ORP 或脉冲 ORP or pulse | 上升沿检测并联连接 Rising edge detection of parallel connection | X、Y、M、S、T、C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 | ORF 或脉冲 ORF or pulse | 下降沿检测并联连接 Falling edge detection of parallel connection | X、Y、M、S、T、C X, Y, M, S, T, C | 1 1 |
| 当使用M1536--M3071时,程序步加1,以上指令FX2N中才有。 When using the M1536 - M3071, the procedure of Step 1 above in order FX2N only. | 指令说明: Instruction Note: | LDP、ANDP、ORP指令是进行上升沿检测的触点指令,仅在指定位软件上沿时(即由OFF→ON变化时)接通1个扫描周期。 LDP, ANDP, ORP instruction is to detect the rising edge of contact orders, only in designated places along the software (ie the change from OFF → ON) connected to a scan cycle. LDF、ANDF、ORF指令是进行下降沿检测的触点指令,仅在指定位软元件下降时(即由ON→OFF变化时)接通1个扫描周期。 LDF, ANDF, ORF instruction is carried out on the falling edge detection of contact orders, only the soft component in the specified bit fall (ie, changes from ON → OFF) connected to a scan cycle.
| 编程: Programming: | 例1: Example 1: | 
| 0 LDP X000 0 LDP X000 1 ORP X001 1 ORP X001 2 OUT M0 2 OUT M0 3 LD M8000 3 LD M8000 4 ANDP X002 4 ANDP X002 5 OUT M1 5 OUT M1 | 例2: Example 2: | 
| 0 LDF X000 0 LDF X000 1 ORF X001 1 ORF X001 2 OUT M0 2 OUT M0 3 LD M8000 3 LD M8000 4 ANDF X002 4 ANDF X002 5 OUT M1 5 OUT M1 | 图示理解 : Icon to understand: | 
| MPS、MRD、MPP指令 MPS, MRD, MPP instruction | 指令助记符与功能 Instruction mnemonic and function | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 程序步 Program step | MPS 进栈 MPS into the stack | 进栈 Into the stack | 1 1 | MRD 读栈 MRD Reading Stack | 读栈 Reading Stack | 1 1 | MPP 出栈 MPP pop | 出栈 Pop | 1 1 |
| 指令说明 Directive Description | 
| 在可编程序控制器中有11个存储器,用来存储运算的中间结果,被称为栈存储器。 In the programmable logic controller 11 of memory used to store the intermediate results of operation, known as the stack memory. 使用一次MPS 指令就将此时刻的运算结果送入栈存储器的第1段,再使用MPS指令,又将此时刻的运算结果送入栈存储器的第1段,而将原先存入第一段的数据移到第二段。 Instruction on the use of an MPS computing the results of this moment into the stack memory, paragraph 1, and then use the MPS instruction, but also this time of the operation result into the stack memory, paragraph 1, which will be deposited in the first paragraph of the original data moved to the second paragraph. 以此类推。 And so on. 使用MPP指令,将最上段的数据读出,同时该数据从栈存储器中消失,下面的各段数据顺序向上移动。 The use of MPP instruction, the most upper of the data read-out, while the data disappear from the stack memory, the following paragraphs of data move up the order. 即所谓后进先出的原则。 The so-called LIFO principle. MRD是读出最上段所存的最新数据的专用指令,栈存储器内的数据不发生移动。 MRD is the most the previous paragraph to read the latest data stored in the special instructions, the stack memory of the data is not moved. 这些指令都是不带软元件地址的独立指令。 These instructions are the address with no soft component independent instructions.
| 编程 Programming | 例1:一段栈 Example 1: a stack |  | 0 LD X004 0 LD X004 1 MPS 1 MPS 2 AND X005 2 AND X005 3 OUT Y002 3 OUT Y002 4 MRD 4 MRD 5 AND X006 5 AND X006 6 OUT Y003 6 OUT Y003 7 MRD 7 MRD 8 OUT Y004 8 OUT Y004 9 MPP 9 MPP 10 AND X007 10 AND X007 11 OUT Y005 11 OUT Y005 | | 例2:二段栈 Example 2: Sec Stack | | |  | 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 MPS 1 MPS 2 AND X001 2 AND X001 3 MPS 3 MPS 4 AND X002 4 AND X002 5 OUT Y000 5 OUT Y000 6 MPP 6 MPP 7 AND X003 7 AND X003 8 OUT Y001 8 OUT Y001 | 9 MPP 9 MPP 10 AND X004 10 AND X004 11 MPS 11 MPS 12 AND X005 12 AND X005 13 OUT Y002 13 OUT Y002 14 MPP 14 MPP 15 AND X006 15 AND X006 16 OUT Y003 16 OUT Y003 | | 例3:四段栈 Example 3: Sec Stack | | |  | 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 MPS 1 MPS 2 AND X001 2 AND X001 3 MPS 3 MPS 4 AND X002 4 AND X002 5 MPS 5 MPS 6 AND X003 6 AND X003 7 MPS 7 MPS 8 AND X004 8 AND X004 9 OUT Y000 9 OUT Y000 | 10 MPP 10 MPP 11 OUT Y001 11 OUT Y001 12 MPP 12 MPP 13 OUT Y002 13 OUT Y002 14 MPP 14 MPP 15 OUT 003 15 OUT 003 16 MPP 16 MPP 17 OUT Y004 17 OUT Y004 |
| 请对照一下面的梯形图与例3: Please control a ladder with the following three cases: |  | 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 OUT Y004 1 OUT Y004 2 AND X001 2 AND X001 3 OUT Y003 3 OUT Y003 4 AND X002 4 AND X002 5 OUT Y002 5 OUT Y002 6 AND X003 6 AND X003 7 OUT Y001 7 OUT Y001 8 AND X004 8 AND X004 9 OUT Y000 9 OUT Y000 | 例3中需要要三重MPS指令编程,但是如果改成左面的电路,实现的效果一样。 Example 3 triple MPS need to be programmed instructions, but if you changed to the left of the circuit, to achieve the same effect. 编程却很方便,不必采用MPS指令。 Programming is very convenient, do not use MPS instruction. |
| MC、MCR 指令 MC, MCR instruction | 指令助记符与功能 Instruction mnemonic and function | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 程序步 Program step | MC 主控指令 MC Master Directive | 公共串联触点的连接 Contacts in series connection to the public | 3 3 | MCR 主控复位 MCR Master Reset | 公共串联触点的清除 The removal of public contact in series | 2 2 |
| 指令说明 | 在下面程序示例中,输入X000为接通时,直接执行从MC到MCR的指令,输入X000为断开时,成为如下形式: In the following example program, enter the X000 is connected, the direct execution of instructions from the MC to the MCR input X000 is disconnected and they will become the following forms:
保持当前状态:积算定时器、计数器、用置位/复位指令驱动的软元件。 To maintain the current status: Totalizer timers, counters, use the set / reset command-driven software components. 变成OFF的软件:非积算定时器,用OUT指令驱动的软元件。 Becomes OFF Software: Non-Totalizer timer, with OUT command-driven software components.
主控(MC)指令后,母线(LD、LDI点)移动主控触点后,MCR为将其返回原母线的指令。 Master (MC) command, the bus (LD, LDI points) mobile master, after contact, MCR for their return bus instructions. 通过更改软元件地址号Y、M,可多次使用主控指令。 Address by changing the number of soft components Y, M, reusable master directive. 但使用同一软元件地址号时,就和OUT指令一样,成为双线圈输出。 However, the soft component using the same address number, the on and OUT instructions, like a double-coil output.
| 编程 Programming | 例1:没有嵌套时 Example 1: When there is no nested |  | 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 MC N0 M100 1 MC N0 M100 4 LD X001 4 LD X001 5 OUT Y000 5 OUT Y000 6 LD X002 6 LD X002 7 OUT Y001 7 OUT Y001 8 MCR N0 8 MCR N0 | 没有嵌套结构时,通用N0编程。 There is no nested structure, common programming N0. N0的使用次数没有限制。 There is no limit the use of the number of N0. 有嵌套结构时,嵌套级N的地址号增大,即N0--N1--N2……N7。 There nested structure, the nesting level N's address increasing numbers, that is, N0 - N1 - N2 ... ... N7. |
| 例2:有嵌套时 Example 2: There are nested when the |  | 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 MC N0 M100 3步指令 1 MC N0 M100 3-step instructions 4 LD X001 4 LD X001 5 OUT Y000 5 OUT Y000 6 LD X002 6 LD X002 7 MC N1 M101 3步指令 7 MC N1 M101 3-step instructions 10 LD X003 10 LD X003 11 OUT Y001 11 OUT Y001 12 MCR N1 2步指令 12 MCR N1 2-step instructions 14 LD X004 14 LD X004 15 OUT Y002 15 OUT Y002 16 MCR N0 2步指令 16 MCR N0 2-step instructions |
| PLS、PLF 指令 PLS, PLF instruction | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 程序步 Program step | PLS上升脉冲 PLS increase in pulse | 上升沿微分输出 Differential output rising edge | 2 2 | PLF下沿脉冲 PLF next along the impulse | 下降沿微分输出 Differential output falling edge | 2 2 |
| 当使用M1536--M3071时,程序步加1 When using the M1536 - M3071, the program steps plus 1 | 指令说明 Directive Description | 使用PLF指令时,仅在驱动输入OFF后1个扫描周期内,软元件Y、M动作。 Using the PLF instruction, only the driver input OFF after a scan cycle, the soft components, Y, M action. 使用PLS指令时,仅在驱动输入ON后1个扫描周期内,软元件Y、M动作。 Using the PLS instruction, only the driver input ON after a scan cycle, the soft components, Y, M action.
| 编程 Programming  | 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 PLS M0 2步指令 1 PLS M0 2-step instructions 3 LD M0 3 LD M0 4 SET Y000 4 SET Y000 5 LD X001 5 LD X001 6 PLF M1 2步指令 6 PLF M1 2-step instructions 8 LD M1 8 LD M1 9 RST Y000 9 RST Y000 |
| 各元件的状态图: Each component of the state diagram: | 
| SET、RST 指令 SET, RST command | 指令助记符与功能 Instruction mnemonic and function | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 可用软元件 Available soft-component | 程序步 Program step | SET 置位 SET SET | 动作保持 Action to maintain | Y、M、S Y, M, S | Y、M: 1 Y, M: 1 S、特M: 2 S, special M: 2 T、C: 2 T, C: 2 D、V、Z、特D:3 D, V, Z, Special D: 3 | RST 复位 RST Reset | 消除动作保持, Elimination of action to maintain, 寄存器清零 Clear Register | Y、M、S、T、C、D、V、Z Y, M, S, T, C, D, V, Z |
| 指令说明 Directive Description | 在下述程序示例中,X000一旦接通后,即使它再次成为OFF,Y000依然被吸合。 Program in the following example, X000, once connected, even if it has once again become OFF, Y000 is still being sucked together. X001一旦接通后,即使它再次成为OFF,Y000仍然是释放状态。 X001, once connected, even if it has once again become OFF, Y000 is still the release of the state. 对同一种软元件,SET、RST可多次使用,顺序也可随意,但最后执行者有效。 The same kind of soft components, SET, RST can be repeatedly used, the order can be arbitrary, but in the end an effective enforcer. 此外,要使数据寄存器D、变址寄存器V、Z的内容清零时,也可使用RST指令。 In addition, to make data registers D, index register V, Z the contents of the cleared, they can use the RST command. 积算定时器T246--T255的当前值的复位和触点复位也可用RST指令。 Totalizer timer T246 - T255 and reset the current value of the contact reduction can also be used RST command.
| 编程 Programming |  | 0 LD X000 0 LD X000 1 SET Y000 1 SET Y000 2 LD X001 2 LD X001 3 RST Y000 3 RST Y000 |  |
| 计数器软元件的OUT、RST Counter soft component OUT, RST | 指令助记符与功能 Instruction mnemonic and function | 指令助记符、名称 Command mnemonic, the name | 功能 Function | 程序步 Program step | OUT 输出 OUT output | 计数线圈的驱动 Counting the coil driver | 32位计数器:5 32-bit counters: 5 16位计数器:3 16-bit counter: 3 | RST 复位 RST Reset | 输出触点的复位、当前值的清零 The output contacts reset, the current value of the Clear | 2 2 |
| 内部计数器编程 Internal Counter Programming |  | 0 LD X010 0 LD X010 1 RST C0 2步指令 1 RST C0 2-step instructions 3 LD X011 3 LD X011 4 OUT C0 K10 (3步指令) 4 OUT C0 K10 (3-step instructions) 7 LD C0 7 LD C0 8 OUT Y000 8 OUT Y000 | |
| C0对X011的OFF-ON次数进行增计数,当它达到设定值K10时,输出输出点C0动作,以后即使X011从OFF-ON,计数器的当前值不变,输出触点依然动作。 C0 of the X011's OFF-ON to increase the number of counts, when it reaches the set value of K10, the output of the output point C0 action, even after the X011 from the OFF-ON, the counter's current value remains unchanged, the output contact is still action. 为了清除这些当前值,让输出触点复位,则应令X010为ON。 In order to remove these current values, so that the output contacts reset, it should make X010 is ON. 有必要在OUT指令后面指定常数K或用数据寄存器的地址号作间接设定。 It is necessary to specify the constant K behind OUT instruction or data registers for indirect address number set. 对于掉电保持用计数器,即使停电,也能保持当前值,以及输出触点的工作状态或复位状态。 For the power-down to keep with the counter, even if the power outage, but also to maintain the current value, and output contacts of the working state or reset state.
| 高速计数器的编程 High-speed counter programming | 
| 0 LD X010 0 LD X010 1 OUT M8*** 2步 1 OUT M8 *** 2 Step 3 LD X011 3 LD X011 4 RST C*** 2步 4 RST C *** 2 Step 6 LD XO12 6 LD XO12 7 OUT C*** K值(或D) 5步 7 OUT C *** K value (or D) 5-step 12 LD C*** 12 LD C *** 13 OUT Y002 13 OUT Y002 |
| 在C235-C245的单相单输入计数器中,为了指定计数方向,采用特殊辅助继电器M8234-M8245。 In the C235-C245 single-phase single-input counter, in order to specify the counting direction, using the special auxiliary relay M8234-M8245. 当X010为ON时,对应C***的M8***也ON,这时C***为减计数。 When X010 is ON, the corresponding C *** the M8 *** is also ON, then C *** in order to reduce counting. 当X010为OFF时,对应C***的M8***也OFF,这时C***为增计数。 When the X010 is OFF, the corresponding C *** the M8 *** are OFF, then C *** count for the increase. X011为ON时,计数器C***的输出触点复位,计数器的当前值也清零。 X011 is ON, the counter C *** output contacts reset the current value of the counter is also cleared. 当X012为ON时,对依据计数器地址号确定的计数器输入X000-X005的ON/OFF进行计数。 When X012 is ON, the number determined pursuant to the counter address counter input X000-X005's ON / OFF count. 计数器的当前值增加,通过设定值(K或D的内容)时输出触点置位。 The current value of the counter increased by setting the value (K or D content) when the output contact set. 在减少方向上通过设定值复位。 In reducing the value of reset by setting the direction.
| NOP、END 指令 NOP, END instruction | 指令助记符与功能 Instruction mnemonic and function | 指令助记符、名称 Instruction mnemonic, name | 功能 Function | 程序步 Program step | NOP 控操作 NOP control operation | 无动作 No Action | 1 1 | END 结束 End END | 输入输出处理和返回到0步 Input and output processing and return to Step 0 | 1 1 |
| 指令说明 Directive Description | NOP指令: NOP instructions: 1、将程序全部清除时,全部指令成为空操作 1, will process all clear when, all air operations command to become 2、若在普通指令与指令之间加入空操作(NOP)指令,则可编程序控制器可继续工作,,而与此无关。 2, if in the general instructions and directives to join space operations (NOP) instructions, can be programmed controller can continue to work, but has nothing to do with this. 若在编写程序过程中加入空操作指令,则在修改或追加程序时,可以减少步序号的变化,但是程序步需要有空余。 If the process of writing programs by adding an empty operating instructions, then the modified or additional procedures, can reduce the step number changes, but the process steps need to have spare. 3、若将已写入的指令换成NOP指令,则电路会发生变化,务必请注意。 3 that if the instruction has been written to replace the NOP instruction, then the circuit will change, be sure to pay attention. END指令: END command: 1、可编程序控制器反复进行输入处理、程序执行、输出处理。 1, programmable logic controller repeatedly for input processing, program execution and output processing. 若在程序的最后写入END指令,则END以后的其余程序步不再执行,而真接进行输出处理。 If at the end of the process to write END instruction, then the remaining procedural steps after END is no longer enforced, and real access to the output processing. 2、在程序中没有END指令时,则处理到最终的程序步再执行输出处理,然后返回0步处理程序。 2, there is no END instruction in the program, then processing to the final process step of performing output processing, then return to 0-step process. 3、在调试期间,在各程序段插入END指令,可依次检测各程序段的动作。 3, in the debugging period, in each program segment inserted END commands may be followed by testing the program segment of the movement. 这种场合,在确认前面电路块动作正确无误后,依次删去END指令。 Such occasions, in front of the circuit blocks action in the confirmation is correct, then followed by deleting the END instruction. 4、RUN(运行)开始时的首次执行,从执行END指令开始。 4, RUN (running) at the beginning of the first implementation, starting from the implementation of the END instruction. | 梯形图设计的规则和技巧 Ladder design rules and techniques | 一、梯形图中的触点应画在水平线上,而不能画在垂直分支上,如图1(a),由于X005画在垂直分支上,这样很难判断与其他触点的关系,也很难判断X005与输出线圈Y001的控制方向, 因此 应根据从左至右,自上而下的原则 。 1, Ladder of contact should be drawn in the horizontal line, but not drawn in the vertical branch, shown in Figure 1 (a), as painted in the vertical branch on the X005, so it is difficult to determine the relationship between contacts with others, it is very X005 and the output is difficult to determine the control of the direction of the coil Y001 and should therefore be based from left to right, top-down principles. 正确的画法如图1(b) The right painting shown in Figure 1 (b) |  图1(a) Figure 1 (a) |  图1(b) Figure 1 (b) |
| 二、不包含触点的分支应放放在垂直方向,不应放在水平线上,这样便于看清触点的组和对输出线圈的控制路线,以免编程时出错。 Second, does not contain a branch of contacts should be placed on the vertical direction, should not be placed on the level of line, and it is easy to see the contact group and the control of the output coil line, to avoid programming errors. 如图2所示。 Shown in Figure 2. | 
图2(a)不正确画法 Figure 2 (a) is incorrect painting | 
图2(b)正确画法 Figure 2 (b) the proper method of painting |
| 三、在有几个串联电路相并联时,需钭触点最多的那条串联电路放在梯形图的最上面,在有几个并联电路串联时,应将触点最多的那个并联放在梯形图的最左面,这样所编的程序比较明了,使用的指令较少,如图3所示。 Third, there are several similar parallel series circuit should be subject to a maximum of cross-eyes contact to which the series circuit on the top of the ladder, there are several parallel circuit in series, should contact the highest on the ladder that parallel Map of the most left, so that programs compiled by relatively clear, using the command less, as shown in Figure 3. | 
图3(a)不正确画法 Figure 3 (a) is incorrect painting | 
图3(b)正确的画法 Figure 3 (b) the correct method of painting |
| 四、按梯形图编制程序时一定要按从左至右,自上而下的原则进行。 4, according to ladder programming, when we, following from left to right, top-down principles. | 五、在画梯形图时,不能将触点画在线圈的右边,而只能画在线圈的左边,如图4所示。 5, in the ladder painting when contact can not be painted on the right side of the coil, but only painted on the left side of the coil, as shown in Figure 4. | 
图4(a)不正确画法 Figure 4 (a) is incorrect painting | 
图4(a)正确画法 Figure 4 (a) the correct method of painting |
| 六、梯形图画得合理,对编程时指令的使用可减少。 6, trapezoid picture was reasonable, the use of programming instructions can be reduced. | 双重输出动作及其对策 Dual output action and its countermeasures | 双重输出动作 Double Output Action | 
| 若在顺控程序内进行线圈的双重输出(双线圈),则后面的动作优先。 Cis-control procedures if carried out within the dual output coil (double coil), then moves behind the priority. 如左图所示:考虑一下在多处使用同一线圈Y003的情况。 If left as follows: Consider using the same coil Y003 in many circumstances. 例如:X001=ON,X002=OFF For example: X001 = ON, X002 = OFF 初次的Y003,因X001接通,因此YOO3 ON。 First of Y003, because X001 connected, so YOO3 ON. 输出Y004也ON。 Output of Y004 is also ON. 但是第二次的Y003,因输入X002断开,因此其输出改为OFF。 However, the second Y003, due to enter the X002 disconnected, so its output changed to OFF. 因此,实际上外部输出成为: Therefore, in practice external output become: Y003=OFF Y003 = OFF Y004=ON Y004 = ON |
| 双重输出的对策 Dual-output response | 双重输出(双线圈)在程序方面并不违反输入,但是因为上述动作复杂,因此要按以下示例改变程序。 Dual output (double coil) in the procedure does not violate the input, but because the complexity of the above-mentioned actions, so changes in procedures according to the following example. | 
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FX2n应用指令一览表 FX2n Applied Instruction List | 类别 Categories | 功能号 Function Number | 指令助记符 Instruction mnemonic | 功 能 Function | D指令 D command | P指令 P command | 程 Cheng 序 Preface 流 Flow 程 Cheng | 00 00 | CJ CJ | 条件跳转 Jump Conditions | - -- | O O | 01 01 | CALL CALL | 调用子程序 Call subroutine | - -- | O O | 02 02 | SRET SRET | 子程序返回 Subroutine Return | - -- | - -- | 03 03 | IRET IRET | 中断返回 Interrupt Return | - -- | - -- | 04 04 | EI EI | 开中断 Open break | - -- | - -- | 05 05 | DI DI | 关中断 Break off | - -- | - -- | 06 06 | FEND FEND | 主程序结束 The end of the main program | - -- | - -- | 07 07 | WDT WDT | 监视定时器 Watchdog | - -- | O O | 08 08 | FOR FOR | 循环区开始 Circulation loop start | - -- | - -- | 09 09 | NEXT NEXT | 循环区结束 Circulation loop end of the | - -- | - -- | 传 Chuan 送 Send 与 And 比 Than 较 More | 10 10 | CMP CMP | 比较 Comparison | O O | O O | 11 11 | ZCP ZCP | 区间比较 Interval Comparison | O O | O O | 12 12 | MOV MOV | 传送 Send | O O | O O | 13 13 | SMOV SMOV | 移位传送 Shift transmission | - -- | O O | 14 14 | CML CML | 取反 Invert | O O | O O | 15 15 | BMOV BMOV | 块传送 Block transfer | - -- | O O | 16 16 | FMOV FMOV | 多点传送 Multicast | O O | O O | 17 17 | XCH XCH | 数据交换 Data Exchange | O O | O O | 18 18 | BCD BCD | 求BCD码 Order to BCD code | O O | O O | 19 19 | BIN BIN | 求二进制码 Seek binary | O O | O O |
| 四 Four 则 Then 运 Yun 算 Operator 与 And 逻 Logic 辑 Series 运 Yun 算 Operator | 20 20 | ADD ADD | 二进制加法 Binary Addition | O O | O O | 21 21 | SUB SUB | 二进制减法 Binary subtraction | O O | O O | 22 22 | MUL MUL | 二进制乘法 Binary Multiplication | O O | O O | 23 23 | DIV DIV | 二进制除法 Binary division | O O | O O | 24 24 | INC INC | 二进制加一 Binary plus one | O O | O O | 25 25 | DEC DEC | 二进制减一 By a binary | O O | O O | 26 26 | WADN WADN | 逻辑字与 Logical characters and | O O | O O | 27 27 | WOR WOR | 逻辑字或 Logical word or | O O | O O | 28 28 | WXOR WXOR | 逻辑字与或 Logical characters and or | O O | O O | 29 29 | ENG ENG | 求补码 Order to complement | O O | O O | 循 Through 环 Ring 与 And 转 Turn 移 Shift | 30 30 | ROR ROR | 循环右移 Rotate Right | O O | O O | 31 31 | ROL ROL | 循环左移 Circle left | O O | O O | 32 32 | RCR RCR | 带进位右移 Into the bit shift right | O O | O O | 33 33 | RCL RCL | 带进位左移 Into the position left | O O | O O | 34 34 | SFTR SFTR | 位右移 Bit shift right | - -- | O O | 35 35 | SFTL SFTL | 位左移 Bit left | - -- | O O | 36 36 | WSFR WSFR | 字右移 Shift to the right word | - -- | O O | 37 37 | WSFL WSFL | 字左移 Characters left | - -- | O O | 38 38 | SFWR SFWR | FIFO写 FIFO write | - -- | O O | 39 39 | SFRD SFRD | FIFO读 FIFO Reading | - -- | O O |
| 数 Number 据 According 处 Department 理 Li | 40 40 | ZRST ZRST | 区间复位 Interval Reset | - -- | O O | 41 41 | DECO DECO | 解码 Decoding | - -- | O O | 42 42 | ENCO ENCO | 编码 Coding | - -- | O O | 43 43 | SUM SUM | 求置ON位的总和 Order to set the sum of ON bits | O O | O O | 44 44 | BON BON | ON位判断 ON position to judge | O O | O O | 45 45 | MEAN MEAN | 平均值 Average | O O | O O | 46 46 | ANS ANS | 标志位置 Logo Location | - -- | - -- | 47 47 | ANR ANR | 标志复位 Reset flag | - -- | O O | 48 48 | SOR SOR | 二进制平方根 Binary square root | O O | O O | 49 49 | FLT FLT | 二进制整数与浮点数转换 Binary integer and floating-point conversion | O O | O O | 高 High 速 Speed 处 Department 理 Li | 50 50 | REF REF | 刷新 Refresh | - -- | O O | 51 51 | REFE REFE | 滤波调整正 Filter adjustment is | - -- | O O | 52 52 | MTR MTR | 矩阵输入 Matrix Input | - -- | - -- | 53 53 | HSCS HSCS | 比较置位(高速计数器) Comparison of set-bit (high-speed counter) | O O | - -- | 54 54 | HSCR HSCR | 比较复位(高速计数器) Comparison reset (high-speed counter) | O O | - -- | 55 55 | HSZ HSZ | 区间比较(高速计数器) Interval comparison (high-speed counter) | O O | - -- | 56 56 | SPD SPD | 脉冲密度 Pulse Density | - -- | - -- | 57 57 | PLSY PLSY | 脉冲输出 Pulse | O O | - -- | 58 58 | PWM PWM | 脉宽调制 Pulse-width modulation | - -- | - -- | 59 59 | PLSR PLSR | 带加速减速的脉冲输出 With acceleration and deceleration pulse output | O O | - -- |
| 方 Fang 便 It 指 Mean 令 ORDER | 60 60 | IST IST | 状态初始化 State Initialization | - -- | - -- | 61 61 | SER SER | 查找数据 Find data | O O | O O | 62 62 | ABSD ABSD | 绝对值式凸轮控制 Absolute cam control | O O | - -- | 63 63 | INCD INCD | 增量式凸轮控制 Incremental cam control | - -- | - -- | 64 64 | TTMR TTMR | 示都定时器 Show all timer | - -- | - -- | 65 65 | STMR STMR | 特殊定时器 Special Timer | - -- | - -- | 66 66 | ALT ALT | 交替输出 Alternating output | - -- | - -- | 67 67 | RAMP RAMP | 斜坡输出 Output slope | - -- | - -- | 68 68 | ROTC ROTC | 旋转工作台控制 Control of rotary table | - -- | - -- | 69 69 | SORT SORT | 列表数据排序 List data sorting | - -- | - -- | 外 Foreign 部 Department 设 Set 备 Preparation I/O I / O | 70 70 | TKY TKY | 十键输入 Ten-key input | O O | - -- | 71 71 | HKY HKY | 十六键输入 16 Key input | O O | - -- | 72 72 | DSW DSW | 数字开关输入 Digital Switch Input | - -- | - -- | 73 73 | SEGD SEGD | 七段译码 Seven-Segment Decoder | - -- | O O | 74 74 | SEGL SEGL | 带锁存七段码显示 Seven-Segment Display yards with a latch | - -- | - -- | 75 75 | ARWS ARWS | 方向开关 Direction switch | - -- | - -- | 76 76 | ASC ASC | ASCII码转换 ASCII Code Conversion | - -- | - -- | 77 77 | PR PR | ASCII码打印输出 ASCII code printout | - -- | - -- | 78 78 | FROM FROM | 读特殊功能模块 A special function module | O O | O O | 79 79 | TO TO | 写特殊功能模块 Write special function modules | O O | O O |
| 外 Foreign 部 Department 设 Set 备 Preparation SER SER | 80 80 | RS RS | 串行通讯指令 Serial communication commands | - -- | - -- | 81 81 | PRUN PRUN | 八进制位传送 Octal-bit transfer | O O | O O | 82 82 | ASCI ASCI | 将十六进制数转换成ASCII码 Will be converted into ASCII hexadecimal code | - -- | O O | 83 83 | HEX HEX | ASCII码转换成十六进制数 ASCII code converted to hexadecimal number | - -- | 0 0 | 84 84 | CCD CCD | 校验码 Checksum | - -- | O O | 85 85 | VRRD VRRD | 模拟量读出 Analog readout | - -- | O O | 86 86 | VRSC VRSC | 模拟量区间 Analog range | - -- | O O | 87 87 | | | | | 88 88 | PID PID | PID运算 PID operation | - -- | O O | 89 89 | | | | | 浮 Floating 点 Point | 110 110 | ECMP ECMP | 二进制浮点数比较 Binary floating-point comparison | O O | O O | 111 111 | EZCP EZCP | 二进制浮点数区间比较 Comparison of binary floating-point interval | O O | O O | 118 118 | EBCD EBCD | 二进制--十进制浮点数变换 Binary - Decimal floating-point conversion | O O | O O | 119 119 | EBIN EBIN | 十进制--二进制浮点数变换 Decimal - Binary floating-point conversion | OO OO | O O | 120 120 | EAAD EAAD | 二进制浮点数加法 Binary floating-point addition | O O | O O | 121 121 | ESUB ESUB | 二进制浮点数减法 Binary floating-point subtraction | O O | O O | 122 122 | EMUL EMUL | 二进制浮点数乘法 Binary floating-point multiplication | O O | O O | 123 123 | EDIV EDIV | 二进制浮点数除除法 In addition to binary floating-point division | O O | O O | 127 127 | ESOR ESOR | 二进制浮点数开方 Binary floating-point prescribing | O O | O O | 129 129 | INT INT | 二进制浮点--二进制整数转换 Binary floating-point - binary integer conversion | O O | O O | 130 130 | SIN SIN | 浮点数SIN演算 Floating-point calculations SIN | O O | O O | 131 131 | COS COS | 浮点数COS演算 COS floating-point calculations | O O | O O | 132 132 | TAN TAN | 浮点数TAN演算 Floating-point calculations TAN | O O | O O | | 147 147 | SWAP SWAP | 上下位变换 Upper and lower transformation | O O | O O |
| 时 When 钟 Clock 运 Yun 算 Operator | 160 160 | TCMP TCMP | 时钟数据比较 Clock and data comparison | - -- | O O | 161 161 | TZCP TZCP | 时钟数据区间比较 Comparison of clock and data interval | - -- | O O | 162 162 | TADD TADD | 时钟数据加法 Clock and data addition | - -- | O O | 163 163 | TSUB TSUB | 时钟数据减法 Clock and data subtraction | - -- | O O | 166 166 | TRD TRD | 时钟数据读出 Clock and data read out | - -- | O O | 167 167 | TWR TWR | 时钟数据写入 Clock and data is written | - -- | O O | 葛雷码 Gray code | 170 170 | GRY GRY | 葛雷码转换 Gray code conversion | O O | O O | 171 171 | GBIN GBIN | 葛雷码逆转换 Inverse Gray code conversion | O O | O O | 触 Touch 点 Point 比 Than 较 More | 224 224 | LD= LD = | (S1)=(S2) (S1) = (S2) | O O | - -- | 225 225 | LD> LD> | (S1)>(S2) (S1)> (S2) | O O | - -- | 226 226 | LD< LD < | (S1)<(S2) (S1) <(S2) | O O | - -- | 228 228 | LD<> LD <> | (S1)≠(S2) (S1) ≠ (S2) | O O | - -- | 229 229 | LD<= LD <= | (S1)≤(S2) (S1) ≤ (S2) | O O | - -- | 230 230 | LD>= LD> = | (S1)≥(S2) (S1) ≥ (S2) | O O | - -- | 232 232 | AND= AND = | (S1)=(S2) (S1) = (S2) | O O | - -- | 233 233 | AND> AND> | (S1)>(S2) (S1)> (S2) | O O | - -- | 234 234 | AND< AND < | (S1)<(S2) (S1) <(S2) | O O | - -- | 236 236 | AND<> AND <> | (S1)≠(S2) (S1) ≠ (S2) | O O | - -- | 237 237 | AND<= AND <= | (S1)≤(S2) (S1) ≤ (S2) | O O | - -- | 238 238 | AND>= AND> = | (S1)≥(S2) (S1) ≥ (S2) | O O | - -- | 240 240 | OR= OR = | (S1)=(S2) (S1) = (S2) | O O | - -- | 241 241 | OR> OR> | (S1)>(S2) (S1)> (S2) | O O | - -- | 242 242 | OR< OR < | (S1)<(S2) (S1) <(S2) | O O | - -- | 244 244 | OR<> OR <> | (S1)≠(S2) (S1) ≠ (S2) | O O | - -- | 245 245 | OR<= OR <= | (S1)≤(S2) (S1) ≤ (S2) | O O | - -- | 246 246 | OR>= OR> = | (S1)≥(S2) (S1) ≥ (S2) | O O | - -- |
| 部分功能指令的应用,在程序实例再作详细介绍 Some features of the application instructions, in the process instance for further details | | 第六节信号控制电梯继电器原理图 Section VI elevator signal control relay schematic 目 录 Directory 信号控制电梯功能简述 Signal control elevator functions outlined | 前言 Preface | 因为现在电梯已大多采用多微机自动化控制系统,串行通信、智能化管理、变频调速等技术使电梯的可靠性与舒适感大大提高,传统的继电器控制系统已退出了历史的舞台。 Because elevators have been mostly a multi-microcomputer automatic control system, serial communication, intelligent management, and frequency control techniques to make the elevator greatly improved reliability and comfort, the traditional relay control system has been out of the historical stage. 所以许多电梯同行对继电器控制系统已非常陌生。 Therefore, many colleagues of the elevator control system is already very familiar with relay. 其实电梯的控制逻辑还是从继电器控制系统逐渐进化而来的。 In fact, the elevator control logic or from the relay control system gradually evolved. 特别是想了解PLC应用及编程的朋友,因为PLC梯形图结构与继电器回路图极为相似,所以这里有必要先从继电器控制系统入手。 In particular, would like to know a friend PLC applications and programming, as PLC ladder structure and relay circuit diagram is very similar, so there need to start with relay control system to start. 只有熟悉了继电器控制电路,才能更好地用PLC编程。 Only familiar with the relay control circuit can be better spent on PLC programming. | 信号控制电梯功能简述 | 本系统为有司机操作系统。 This system is a driver operating system. 在轿内操纵箱装有对应层站数的指令按钮。 In the Car layer inside the control box is equipped with the corresponding command button on the number of stations. 各层厅门外装有一只召唤盒。 Layers with a call box outside the Office. 底层只有一只向上方向的召唤按钮。 Only the bottom of the call button in an upward direction. 顶层也装有一只向下方向的召唤按钮。 Is also equipped with a top-down direction of the call button. 中间层站各装有两只,分别为向上和向下召唤按钮。 Middle-tier stations, equipped with two, respectively up and down call buttons. 当厅外有人需要搭乘电梯,就根据目的地要求按下向上或向下召唤按钮,召唤信号就被登记。 When people need to take the elevator hall on the request according to destination, press the up or down the call button, call signal will be registered. 同时轿内操纵箱上就有显示某层有召唤请求,并且蜂鸣器鸣叫。 Car manipulating boxes within the same time, there is shown a layer call request, and the buzzer sounds. 司机按照召唤请求需要,按下相应的层站指令按钮。 In accordance with the request calls the driver needs, by pressing the corresponding button on the layer-site scripting. 层站指令被登记并显示。 Layer-site scripting are registered and displayed. 电梯控制系统根据当前轿厢的位置与指令的要求,自动判断出运行方向,并在操纵箱的方向按钮上显示。 Elevator control system based on the current car position and the requirements of directives to automatically determine the direction of, and in the direction of the button on the control box display. 司机根据方向显示,按向上或向下的方向按钮,电梯开始关门,待门全部关好,电梯向上运行,通过压降起动、加速后进入稳速快车运行。 Drivers under the direction indicated by the direction of up or down button, elevator began to close until the doors all shut, elevators running up through the pressure drop starting to accelerate the steady-speed express train entered the run. 电梯运行过程中,装在厅门外的楼层显示器不断刷新当前轿厢的位置。 Elevator is running, installed in the hall outside the floor monitors to continuously update the current car position. 当电梯到达目的层时,自动由快车转为慢车,并通过回馈制动使电梯速度逐级下降。 When the lift reached the purpose of layer automatically by the express train to idle, and through feedback so that the lift speed of step-down braking. 电梯到达平层位置停止运行,制动器抱闸。 Lift reached the flat floor position to stop running, brake brake. 随即电梯开门,完成了一个电梯运行的过程。 Then lift open the door, completed an elevator running process. 电梯检修状态的运行:电梯操纵箱、轿顶、机房都装有一只检修开关和上行、下行按钮,当处于检修位时,电梯切断自动定向、快车启动等回路,使电梯只能运行于慢车状态。 Elevator maintenance state run: elevator control box, jiaoding, plant rooms are equipped with a maintenance switch and uplink, down button, and when in maintenance position, the lift off automatic orientation, Express and other loops to start, so that the lift can only run on idle state . 检修人员只要按下向上或向下按钮,电梯即慢速上行或下行。 Maintenance staff as long as the press the up or down button, the lift that the slow upstream or downstream. 但检修有优先级别,即轿顶操作权最优先。 But the overhaul have priority levels, namely, the right to the highest priority jiaoding operation. | | 主回路 Main circuit | 1、主回路原理图 1, the main circuit schematic diagram |  | 2、原理说明 2, Principle Description (1)电梯开始向上启动运行时,快车接触器K吸合,向上方向接触器S吸合。 (1) The elevator started up starts running, Express K Pick-up contactor, upward direction S Pick-up contactor. 因为刚启动时接触器1A还未吸合,所以380V通过电阻电抗RQA、XQ接通电动机快车绕阻,使电动机降压起动运行。 Because when you just start contactor pull-1A has not yet, so 380V through resistor reactance RQA, XQ Express connected to motor winding resistance, so that step-down starter motor is running. (2)约经过2秒左右延时,接触器1A吸合,短接电阻电抗,使电动机电压上升到380V。 (2) After about 2 seconds or so delay, contactor pull-1A, shorted resistor reactance, so that motor voltage up to 380V. 电梯再经过一个加速最后达到稳速快车运行状态。 Go through an accelerated elevator to reach the final steady-speed express train running. (3)电梯运行到减速点时,上方向接触器S仍保持吸合,而快车K释放,1A释放,慢车M吸合。 (3) The elevator runs to the deceleration point, the direction of the contactor pull-S remain, while the Express K release, 1A release, idle pull-M. 因为此时电动机仍保持高速运转状态,电机进入发电制动状态。 Because at this time remains high-speed motor running condition, the electrical power into the braking condition. 如果慢车绕阻直接以380V接入,则制动力矩太强,而使电梯速度急速下降,舒适感极差。 If the idle winding access directly to the 380V, then the braking torque is too strong, leaving the rapid rate of decline in the lift, comfort poor. 所以必需要分级减速。 Therefore, classification will need to slow down. 最先让电源串联电阻电抗,减小慢车线圈对快速运行电动机的制动力。 The first series resistance for the power reactor, reducing the idle loop for fast running motor braking force. 经过一定时间,接触器2A吸,短接一部分电阻,使制动力距增加一些。 After some time, contactors 2A suction, a part of shorted resistors, so that braking force to add some distance. 然后再3A、4A也分级吸合,使电梯速度逐级过渡到稳速慢车运行状态。 Then 3A, 4A are also pull-grading, so that the lift speed of the transition to a steady level at idle speed running state. (4)电梯进入平层点,S、M、2A、3A、4A同时释放,电动机失电,制动器抱闸,使电梯停止运行。 (4) The elevator leveling point, S, M, 2A, 3A, 4A at the same time releasing, the motor lost power, brakes brake, so that the lift stopped running. (相关资料:电动机特性曲线变化) (Related information: Motor characteristic curve) | 3、动画演示 3, animation demo | | 主回路 Main circuit | 1、主回路原理图 1, the main circuit schematic diagram |  | 2、原理说明 2, Principle Description (1)电梯开始向上启动运行时,快车接触器K吸合,向上方向接触器S吸合。 (1) The elevator started up starts running, Express K Pick-up contactor, upward direction S Pick-up contactor. 因为刚启动时接触器1A还未吸合,所以380V通过电阻电抗RQA、XQ接通电动机快车绕阻,使电动机降压起动运行。 Because when you just start contactor pull-1A has not yet, so 380V through resistor reactance RQA, XQ Express connected to motor winding resistance, so that step-down starter motor is running. (2)约经过2秒左右延时,接触器1A吸合,短接电阻电抗,使电动机电压上升到380V。 (2) After about 2 seconds or so delay, contactor pull-1A, shorted resistor reactance, so that motor voltage up to 380V. 电梯再经过一个加速最后达到稳速快车运行状态。 Go through an accelerated elevator to reach the final steady-speed express train running. (3)电梯运行到减速点时,上方向接触器S仍保持吸合,而快车K释放,1A释放,慢车M吸合。 (3) The elevator runs to the deceleration point, the direction of the contactor pull-S remain, while the Express K release, 1A release, idle pull-M. 因为此时电动机仍保持高速运转状态,电机进入发电制动状态。 Because at this time remains high-speed motor running condition, the electrical power into the braking condition. 如果慢车绕阻直接以380V接入,则制动力矩太强,而使电梯速度急速下降,舒适感极差。 If the idle winding access directly to the 380V, then the braking torque is too strong, leaving the rapid rate of decline in the lift, comfort poor. 所以必需要分级减速。 Therefore, classification will need to slow down. 最先让电源串联电阻电抗,减小慢车线圈对快速运行电动机的制动力。 The first series resistance for the power reactor, reducing the idle loop for fast running motor braking force. 经过一定时间,接触器2A吸,短接一部分电阻,使制动力距增加一些。 After some time, contactors 2A suction, a part of shorted resistors, so that braking force to add some distance. 然后再3A、4A也分级吸合,使电梯速度逐级过渡到稳速慢车运行状态。 Then 3A, 4A are also pull-grading, so that the lift speed of the transition to a steady level at idle speed running state. (4)电梯进入平层点,S、M、2A、3A、4A同时释放,电动机失电,制动器抱闸,使电梯停止运行。 (4) The elevator leveling point, S, M, 2A, 3A, 4A at the same time releasing, the motor lost power, brakes brake, so that the lift stopped running. (相关资料:电动机特性曲线变化) (Related information: Motor characteristic curve) | 3、动画演示 3, animation demo | | |
安全回路 Safety loop | 1、原理图 1, Schematic |  | 2、原理说明 2, Principle Description | 由整流器出来的110V直流电源,正极接通过熔断丝1RD接到02号线,负极通过熔断丝2RD接到01号线。 Out by the rectifier 110V DC power supply, positive access through the fuse 1RD received on the 2nd line, the negative electrode through the fuse 2RD received a 01-line. 把电梯中所有安全部件的开关串联一起,控制电源继电器JY,只要安全部件中有任何一只起保护,将切断JY继电器线圈电源,使JY释放。 The elevator all the security components in series with the switch to control the power relays JY, as long as there are any safety components from a protected, JY relay coil to cut off power supply, so that JY release. 02号线通过JY继电器的常开点接到04号线,这样,当电梯正常有电时,04号与01号之间应用110V直流电,否则切断04号线,使后面所有通过04号控制的继电器失电。 Line 02 through the normally open relay JY received a 04-point line, so that when an electric elevator to normal when the 04 and 01, between the application of 110V DC, or else cut off on the 4th line, so that after controlling for all through the 04 loss of electrical relays. 串联一个电阻RY是起到一个欠电压保护。 RY is a resistor in series to play a less-voltage protection. 大家知道,当继电器线圈得到110V电吸合后,如果110V电源降低到一定范围,继电器线圈仍能维持吸合。 As you know, when the relay coil to be pull-110V power, if 110V power supply down to a certain extent, able to maintain pull-in coil relay. 这里,当电梯初始得电时,通过JY常闭触点(15、16)使JY继电器有110V电压吸合,JY一旦吸合,其常闭触点(15、16)立即数开,让电阻RY串入JY线圈回路,使JY在一个维持电压下吸合。 Here, when the elevator was the initial power, through the normally closed contact JY (15,16) to enable the JY relay with 110V voltage Pick, JY once the pull-its normally closed contact (15,16) immediately the number of open Let resistor RY string into the JY coil circuit, so that the maintenance of JY in a pull-in voltage. 这样当外部电源出现电压不稳定时,如果01、02两端电压降低,JY继电器就先于其它继电器率先断开,起一个欠电压保护作用。 So that when an external power supply voltage is unstable, if the voltage drop of 01,02 at both ends, JY relay ahead of other relays on the first break, from an under-voltage protection. | |
楼层控制回路 Floor control loop | 1、原理图 1, Schematic | 
| 原理说明 Principles of Description | 在电梯井道内每层都装有一只永磁感应器,分别为1YG、2YG、3YG、4YG、5YG,而在轿厢侧装有一块长条的隔磁铁板,假如电梯从1楼向上运行,则隔磁铁板依次插入感应器。 In the elevator shaft on each floor are equipped with a permanent magnet inside the sensor, respectively, 1YG, 2YG, 3YG, 4YG, 5YG, while in the car with a long side of the septum magnet board, if the elevator one floor up from running, then the septum magnet board in turn inserted sensors.当隔磁铁板插入感应器时,该感应器内干簧触点闭合,控制相应的楼层继电器1JZ~5JZ吸合。 根据1JZ~5JZ的动作,控制1JZ1~5JZ1相应的动作。从电路中看出1JZ1~5JZ1都有吸合自保持功能,所以1JZ1~5JZ1始终有且只有一只吸合。 | 动画演示 Animation | |
开关门回路 | 1、原理图 |  | 2、原理说明 (1)正常状态时的关门:当司机输入轿内指令,电梯自动定出方向,司机再按下方向按钮时,关门启动继电器1JQ吸合,控制关门继电器JGM吸合。控制门机马达向关门方向运转。门完全关闭结束,打断关门到位限位3GM,切断JGM回路,门停止运行。 (2)检修状态时的关门:电梯处于检修状态时,检修继电器JM吸合,这里通过接下操纵箱上的关门铵钮AGM,即可使JGM吸合。 (3)正常状态时的开门:电梯到站停靠时,状在轿厢上的门区感应器插入该楼层的隔磁铁板,使门区继电器JMQ吸合。等电梯完全停 止,4JAS↓→JMQ↑→1JQ↓→JYT↓→JGM↓,使开门继电器JKM吸合。门机向开门方向旋转,电梯门打开。当门完全开启,切继开门到位限位 2KM,JKM释放,开门结束。 (3)检修状态时的开门:检修状态时,只有在电梯停止运行时JTY↓,按下AKM可使JKM吸合,电梯开门。 (4)电梯开关门中的减速过程: 开 门:当JKM吸合时,电流一方面通过DM,另一方面通过开门电阻RKM,从M2→M3,使门机向开门方向旋转,因为此RKM时电阻值较大,通过RKM的分 流较小。所以开门速度较快。当电梯门关闭到3/4行程时,使开关减速限位1KM接通,短接了RKM的大部分电阻,使通过RKM的分流增大,从而使电机转速 降低,实现了开门的减速的功能。 关 门:当JGM吸合时,电流一方面通过DM,另一方面通过关门电阻RGM,从M3→M2,使门机向关门方向旋转。因为此时RGM电阻值较大,通过RGM的分 流较小,所以关门速度较快。当电梯关闭到一半行程时,使关门一级减速限位1GM接通,短接了RGM的一部分电阻,使从RGM的分流增大一些,门机实现一级 减速。电梯门继续关闭到3/4行程时,接通二级减速限位2GM,短接RGM的大部分电阻,使从RGM的分流进一步增加,而电梯门机转速进一步降低,实现了 关门的二级减速。 通过调节开关门电路中的总分压电阻RMD,可以控制开关门的总速度。 因为当JY吸合时,门机励磁绕阻DMO一直有电,所以当JKM或JGM释放时,能使电机立即进入能耗制动,门机立即停转。而且在电梯门关闭时,能提供一个制动力,保证在轿厢内不能轻易扒开电梯门。 | (5)基站锁梯时的开关门: 当下班锁梯时,电梯开到基站,基站限位KT闭合,司机需要关闭轿内安全开关ZA,切断安全回路,另一方面使02号线接至20号线(见安全回路),这样,司机通过操作基站厅门外的钥匙YK来控制JKM或JGM的动作来使电梯开关门。 | |
轿内指令信号的登记与消除 | 1、原理图 |  | 3、原理说明 假 如梯在2楼,司机按下5楼指令A5J,则5楼指令继电器J5J吸合,电梯立即定为上方向(见自动定向电路),通过JKS1(17)、J5J(12、 6),J5J自保持,信号被登记。当电梯向上运行到5楼5JZ1动作,进入减速时,1A释放,通过5JZ1(11、12),1A(7、8)把J5J继电器 线圈两端短路,J5J释放,实现消号。 电梯停靠在本层时,按本层指令不被接受。 | | |
厅外召唤信号的登记与消除 | 1、原理图 | 
| 2、原理说明: 假设电梯在一楼,当3楼有人接向下招唤按钮A3X时,3楼向下召唤继电器J3X吸合,通过J3X(6、12)触点自保持。召唤信号被登记。同时,按下A3X时控制蜂鸣继电器JL吸合,轿内蜂鸣器响。提醒司机有人在召梯。 当 电 梯向上运行到3楼,3JZ1吸合,这时如果电梯没能继续上行的要求,则JKS1释放,通过3JZ1(13、14),JKS1(5、11),JQ(5、 11)把J3X线圈两端短接,实现消号。假如这时电梯仍有上行信号,即JKS1吸合,则J3X不消号。必需待上行务任完成,返回接应3楼下向的乘客时,才 能消号。 电梯停止在本层时,如没有运行方向,该层召唤不被登记。如果有运行方向,则同向召唤不被登记,反向召唤能被登记。 | |
自动定向回路、平层继电器 | 1、原理图 |  | 2、原理说明 | 自动定向: 1JZ1~5JZ1的状态反映了当前轿厢的实际位置,不管轿厢在何位置,相应的nJZ1总是把A到B这条纵线分成两段。这样,如果指令信号的楼层大于轿厢 位置楼层,则电源只能通过AB纵线的上部分而接通向上方向继电器JKS、JKS1。反之,如果指令信号的楼层小于轿厢位置楼层,则电源只能通过AB纵线的 下部分而接通向下方向继电器JKX、JKX1。这就是自动定向的原理。 平层、门区继电器: 在轿厢侧面装有3只永磁感应器,最上面的为上平层继电器YPS,中间的为门区感应器YMQ,下面的为下平层感应器YPX。 在井道中每层都装有一块隔磁铁板,在平层位置时,这三只感应器应正好全部插入隔磁铁板中。分别驱动上平层继电器JPS、下平层继电器JPX、门区继电器JMQ。 | |
启动关门、启动运行 | 1、原理图 |  | 2、原理说明 当司机按了楼层指令后,电梯自动定出方向,JKS或JKX动作。这时司机根据方向提示按下向上方向按钮(AYS)或向下方向按钮(AYX)时,则向上继电器(JFS)或向下继电器(JFX)吸合,驱动开门启动继电器1JQ吸合,门开始关闭。 门关闭结束,门锁继电器吸合,通过原来的定向JKS或JKX,驱动启动继电器JQ吸合,电梯开始运行快车。 在井道的最高和最低层分别设有一只强迫减速限位2KW和1KW。当电梯达到端站减速位置时,断开强迫减速限位触点,强迫使JQ释放,电梯停止快车运行而进入慢车状态。 | | |
门锁、检修、抱闸线圈、运行继电器回路 | 1、原理图 | 
| 2、原理说明 | 门锁JMS: 在每道厅门和轿门上都设有门电气联锁触点,只有当全部门关闭好后,所有门电气联锁联点闭合,门锁继电器JMS吸合,电梯才能运行。 检修JM: 在轿内和轿内都装有检修开关,检修开关拨至检修位时,检修继电器JM吸合,电梯处于检修状态。 抱闸线圈:DZZ 在下列四种状态下,抱闸线圈得电,制动器打开: (1)快车上行,即S↑、K↑。 (2)快车下行,即X↑,K↑。 (3)慢车上行,即S↑,M↑。 (4)慢车下行,即X↑、M↑。 电 梯开始运行时,因为1A、2A仍未吸合,它们的常闭触点把RZ1短路,所以DZZ得以110V直流电压,电梯启动后经过一段时间延时,1A吸合,使电阻 RZ1串联到DZZ线圈中,DZZ两端电压下降至70V左右,称为维持电压。电容C8的作用是为了DZZ从110V电压降至维持电压时有一个过渡的过程, 防止DZZ电压的瞬变而引起误动作。电阻RZ2构成DZZ的放电回路。 为了防止电梯从快车K转换到慢车M时,DZZ有一个断电的瞬间,所以放入JK延时继电器,从而保证了制动器不会发生两次动作。 运行继电器JYT: 当电梯上行接触器S或下行接触器X吸合时,运行继电器JYT吸合,表示电梯在运行之中。 | |
加速与减速延时继电器 | 1、原理图 |  | 2、原理说明: 当 司机按下方向按钮启动关门时,通过JYT、1JQ,使J1SA吸合,则时通过R1SA给电容C1SA充电,当电梯开始运行时,JYT↓,J1SA并未立即 释放,C1SA通过R1SA对J1SA放电,使J1SA仍吸合一段时间,所以J1SA是延时释放继电器。当J1SA释放时,一级加速接触器1A吸合,电梯 经过降压启动到一级加速后进入稳速快车状态(参看运行回路)。 电梯在快车运行状态时,J2SA、J3SA、J4SA都处于吸合状态,一旦转入慢车,M↑→J2SA延时释放→2A↑→J3SA延时释放→3A↑→J4SA延时释放→4A↑,形成1级、2级、3级减速。 在快车转慢车时,JK也延时延放。 | | ? ? 停站触发与停站回路 | 1、原理图 | 
| 2、原理说明 假如电梯从1楼驶往4楼。 J4J吸合。 电梯向上行驶,当隔磁铁板插入4楼感应器中时,4JZ吸合,停站触发继电器JTQ延时释放。 通过J4J、4JZ、JTQ延时断开触点(1、7),接通停站继电器JT,电梯进入减速停站。 停 站触发继电器JTQ的延时时间最好在0.1秒以下,它的作用是为了保证电梯到达某楼层后,不再响应该楼层发出的停车指令。比如你在电梯在开往四楼中,途经 3楼时再输入3楼指令,电梯将只记忆该3楼指令,而不应答停车。如果JTQ的延时时间过长,则有可能答应这个停车指令,而此时减速距离已不够,会引起冲层 的现象。 | |
运行、减速、平层 | 1、原理图 | 
| 2、原理说明 快车上行:JQ吸合,使快车接触器K吸合, (回路1)快车延时继电器JK吸合,通过已定的方向JKS,使向上运行接触器S吸合,因为此时1A仍未吸合,所以电梯快车降压启动,经过延时,1A吸合,电梯加速,最后达到快车稳速向上运行。 减速:运行到目的层时,JQ释放,K释放,M吸合。在K释放后,S通过(回路2) JK(3、8)--S(1、2)--X(3、4)继续保持吸合,电梯以慢车向上运行,并通过2A、3A、4A的逐级吸合,进行三级减速制动,最后进入慢车稳速运行。 当JK释放后,S通过(回路3) JM(13、14)--JMQ(2、8)--M(1、2)--S(1、2)继续自保。 平层:电梯继续慢速上行,上平层感应器率先插入楼层隔磁铁板,这时S可以通过(回路4) JPS(3、8)--JQ(2、8)--JPX(2、8),K(3、4)--JM(13、14)吸合,电梯再上升到门区感应器插入时,回路3断开,S只通过回路4吸合,当下平层感应器插入时,电梯正好平层,回路4断开,S释放,M释放,电梯停止运行。 | |
运行、减速、平层 | 1、原理图 | 
| 2、原理说明 快车上行:JQ吸合,使快车接触器K吸合, (回路1)快车延时继电器JK吸合,通过已定的方向JKS,使向上运行接触器S吸合,因为此时1A仍未吸合,所以电梯快车降压启动,经过延时,1A吸合,电梯加速,最后达到快车稳速向上运行。 减速:运行到目的层时,JQ释放,K释放,M吸合。在K释放后,S通过(回路2) JK(3、8)--S(1、2)--X(3、4)继续保持吸合,电梯以慢车向上运行,并通过2A、3A、4A的逐级吸合,进行三级减速制动,最后进入慢车稳速运行。 当JK释放后,S通过(回路3) JM(13、14)--JMQ(2、8)--M(1、2)--S(1、2)继续自保。 平层:电梯继续慢速上行,上平层感应器率先插入楼层隔磁铁板,这时S可以通过(回路4) JPS(3、8)--JQ(2、8)--JPX(2、8),K(3、4)--JM(13、14)吸合,电梯再上升到门区感应器插入时,回路3断开,S只通过回路4吸合,当下平层感应器插入时,电梯正好平层,回路4断开,S释放,M释放,电梯停止运行。 | |
显示回路 | 一、楼层及方向显示原理图 | 
| 二、指令及召唤信号显示 | 
| | ? ? 元件代号一览表 | 按 Press 钮 | A1J--A5J | 1-5楼指令按钮 | A1S-A4S | 1-4楼上召唤按钮 | A2X-A5X | 2-5楼下召唤按钮 | AKM AKM | 开门按钮 Open button | AGM | 关门按钮 | AYS | 轿内向上按钮 | AYX | 轿内向下按钮 | ADS | 轿顶向上按钮 | ADX | 轿顶向下按钮 | 感 Sense 应 Should 器 | 1YG-4YG | 1-4楼层楼感应器 | YPS | 上平层感应器 | YPX | 下平层感应器 | YMQ | 门区感应器 | 继 电 Electric 器 | J1J-J5J | 1-5楼指令继电器 | J1S-J4S | 1-4楼上召唤继电器 | J2X-J5X | 2-5楼下召唤继电器 | 1JZ-5JZ | 1-5楼层楼继电器 | 1JZ1-5JZ1 | 1-5楼层楼控制继电器 | JKM | 开门继电器 | JGM | 关门继电器 | 1JQ | 关门启动继电器 | JQ JQ | 启动运行继电器 | JKS | 上方向继电器 | JKS1 | 上方向辅助继电器 | JKX | 下方向继电器 | JKX1 | 下方向辅助继电器 | JFS | 向上继电器 | JFX | 向下继电器 | JMS | 门锁继电器 | JY JY | 电压继电器 | JM | 检修继电器 | JYT | 运行继电器 | JTQ | 停站触发继电器 | JT JT | 停站继电器 | J1SA | 一级加速延时继电器 | J2SA | 一级减速延时继电器 | J3SA | 二级减速延时继电器 | J4SA | 三级减速延时继电器 | JK JK | 快车延时继电器 | JL | 蜂鸣器继电器 | JPS JPS | 上平层继电器 | JPX | 下平层继电器 | JXW | 相序继电器 | 1RT | 快车热继电器 | 2RT | 慢车热继电器 | | JMQ | 门区继电器 | 接 Access 触 器 | S S | 上行接触器 | X X | 下行接触器 | K K | 快车接触器 | M M | 慢车接触器 | 1A 1A | 快车一级加速接触器 | 2A 2A | 慢车一级减速接触器 | 3A | 慢画二级减速接触器 | | 4A 4A | 慢车三级减速接触器 | | DZZ | 抱闸线圈 | | DMO | 门机定子 | | DM DM | 门机转子 | 限 位 Bit | 1KW | 向下强迫减速限位 | 2KW | 向上强迫减速限位 | 3KW 3KW | 下终端限位 | 4KW | 上终端限位 | KMJ1 | 快车限位 | 3GM | 关门终端限位 | 2KM | 开门终端限位 | 1GM | 关门一级减速限位 | 2GM | 关门二级减速限位 | 1KM | 开关一级减速限位 | KT KT | 基站限位 | 开 Open 关 Guan | ZA | 安全开关 | ZT | 急停开关 | KQ | 安全窗开关 | KXZ | 地坑断绳开关 | Z1 Z1 | 轿顶检修开关 | ZM | 轿内检修开关 | YK | 基站厅开钥匙开关 | 门锁 Lock | KMJ | 轿门门电气联锁 | 1KMT-5KMT | 1-5楼厅门电气联锁 | 电 Electric 阻 | RY | 电压继电器分压电阻 | RZ1 | 抱闸分压电阻 | RZ2 | 抱闸放电电阻 | RMD | 门机总速度调整电阻 | RKM | 开门减速调整电阻 | RGM | 关门减速调整电阻 | R1SA | 一级加速延时调整电阻 | R2SA | 一级减速延时调整电阻 | R3SA | 二级减速延时调整电阻 | R4SA | 三级减速延时调整电阻 | RTQ | 停站触发延时调整电阻 | RT RT | 停站继电器延时调整电阻 | RK | 快车延时调整电阻 | R1J-R5J | 1-5楼指信消号电阻 | R1S-R4S | 1-4楼上召消号电阻 | R2X-R5X | 2-5楼下召消号电阻 | 电 Electric 容 Rong | C8 | 制动器电容 | C1SA | 一级加速延时电容 | C2SA | 一级减速延时电容 | C3SA | 二级减速延时电容 | C4SA | 三级减速延时电容 | CK CK | 快车延时电容 | CTQ | 停站触发延时电容 | CT CT | 停站继电器延时电容 |
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| ? ? 第八节信号控制双速电梯PLC程序 | 1、编制PLC程序的步骤 | 2、确定I/O接口点数及PLC选型 | 3、绘制电路原理图和安装接线图 | 4、编制PLC梯形图 | (1)楼层控制回路 | (2)指令、召唤信号的登记与消除 | (3)自动定向回路 | (4)启动关门与启动 | (5)开关门回路 | (6)基站锁梯 | (7)上行、下行接触器,运行继电器 | (8)停站触发与停站 | (9)快车、慢车接触器,JK继电器 | (10)1A、2A、3A、4A接触器 | (11)蜂鸣器、结束 | 源程序下载 | |
编制PLC电梯程序的步骤 | 1 系统设计 A system design 根据确定电梯的拖动和控制方式及其它特殊要求,根据所在单位和个人条件,计算I/O点数和选择PC机的规格型号,并设计绘制电路原理图和安装接线图 。 2 设计PLC梯形图程序 采 用PLC作为中间过程控制的电梯电气控制,在电路原理图和安装接线图设计绘制完成后,还必须设计绘制与电路原理图对应的PLC梯形图程序,梯形图程序是 PLC内各种软硬继电器的逻辑控制图,它的逻辑控制方式类似于中间过程控制继电器之间的逻辑控制电路图,因此它是PLC控制电气系统设计工作的重要环节之 一。设计梯形图程序时,应接PLC使用手册的方法,了解PLC的I/O接口分配、组合排列和代号,机内各种软继电器、数据区、通道代号,常用指令的编制规 则和代号等。 设计梯形图一般应遵守以下规则: (1)I/O点和内部各种软继电器等的常开和常闭触点可多次重复使用。 (2)软继电器的线圈不能与左边的母线直接连接,应有过渡点。 (3)软继电器的右边不能再有接点。 (4)在一套梯形图中,相同代号的线圈不能重复出现。 (用SET、RST指令外) (5)PLC的输入输出点可当软继电器来使用。 3、灌输程序 梯形图编制好后,必须灌输到PLC的存储器中方可运行。现在大家都有电脑,我们可以用编程软件把梯形图编好,用专用的电缆把电脑与PLC连接后,就可把程序写到PLC中去了。 4、模拟运行 程序灌入PLC中之后,先要进行模拟运行。方法可用搭接线的办法模拟输入端的各种状态,观看输出信号是否达到设计要求。 | 编程软件介绍 我 们采用三菱FX系列的PLC,可以使用三菱FX系列PLC专用编程软件FxGP/WIN来编程。该软件可以采用三种方式来编程:(1)输入指令方式(2) 画梯形图方式 (3)SFC编程方式。利用一根专用电缆SC-09可以与PLC通信,达到灌输或读出程序的目的。而且可以在线监控运行中的PLC,观察 PLC内部各种软继电器的动作状态,使用十分方便。 | |
确定I/O接口点数、PLC选型 | 现在我们以编制一台3门3站的信号控制双速电梯为例,先根据控制要求计算所需要的I/O接口点数。 | 1、输入接口: (1)安全回路 (2)门锁 (3)检修开关 (4)上平层感应器 (5)下平层感应器 (6)向上按钮 (7)向下按钮 (8)关门按钮 (9)开门按钮 (10)上强迫减速限位 (11)下强迫减速限位 (12)消号按钮 (13)锁梯钥匙 (14)一楼楼层感应器 (15)二楼楼层感应器 (16)三楼楼层感应器 (17)一楼指令按钮 (18)二楼指令按钮 (19)三楼指令按钮 (20)一楼向上召唤按钮 (21)二楼向上召唤按钮 (22)二楼向下召唤按钮 (23)三楼向下召唤按钮 | 2、输出接口 (1)上行接触器 (2)下行接触器 (3)快车接触器 (4)慢车接触器 (5)一级加速接触器 (6)一级减速接触器 (7)二级减速接触器 (8)三级减速接触器 以上为一组:选用交流220V电压的接触器 (9)开门继电器 (10)关门继电器 (11)JK继电器 (12)蜂鸣器 (13)向上方向显示 (14)向下方向显示 (15)一楼楼层显示 (16)二楼楼层显示 (17)三楼楼层显示 (18)一楼指令显示 (19)二楼指令显示 (20)三楼指令显示 (21)一楼上召唤显示 (22)二楼上召唤显示 (23)二楼下召唤显示 (24)三楼下召唤显示 以上合并为一组,选用交流24V电压电源 | 根据计算,输入共23点,输出共24点,我们可以选用FX2n-48MR的PLC来编制程序(输入输出各24点)。 | |
绘制原理图及PLC安装接线图 | 一、主回路 |  | 二、安全回路、门锁回路、制动器、门机回路 |  | 三、PLC接线图(输入回路) | 
| 三、PLC接线图(输出回路) | 
| 图中线号与继电(接触)器触点号可根据实际情况自定义,这里不再画出。另电源部分与照明部分也未画出。 (实在是画累了哦 ^-^ ) | |
楼层控制回路 |  | |
指令、召唤信号的登记与消除 |  | |
自动定向回路 |  | |
启动关门与启动 |  | |
开关门继电器 |  | |
基站锁梯 |  | |
上行、下行接触器,运行继电器 |  | |
停站触发与停站 |  | |
快车、慢车接触器,JK继电器 |  | |
1A、2A、3A、4A接触器 |  | |
蜂鸣器、结束 |  | |
用上行和下行换速开关来进行楼层翻转的原理 作者:增清 | 在 传统的电梯电路中,通常是用楼层感应器的信号来进行楼层的翻转。这样井道中每个楼层至少要装一个感应器,占用PLC的输入点数多。由于PLC的编程功能十 分丰富,所以可以采取利用上行换速和下行换速信号来进行楼层的翻转,这样只需要在轿厢侧装两只感应器,便可实现电梯楼层的翻转及减速信号的发出,既给安装 带来方便又节约了成本。 PLC编程梯形图如下所示(四层电梯为例) | 
| 1、当电梯上行时,每当上换速感应器插入隔磁板时,使M0有一个周期的触发。 2、M0吸合一下,使寄存器D200内数值增1。 3、当电梯下行时,每当下换速感应器插入隔磁板时,使M1有一个周期的触发。 4、M1吸合一下,使寄存器D200内的数值减1。 5、当电梯下行到最低层,下强迫开关动作时,使D200内的数值强制为1。 6、当电梯上行到最高层,上强迫开关动作时,使D200内的数值强制为4。 (这里以4层为例) 这样,D200内的实际数值就反映了电梯的实际楼层数值,对D200进行解码,得出M501吸合时为1楼,M502吸合时为2楼,M503吸合时为3楼,M504吸合时为4楼。同时,电梯进行楼层翻转时也给出了电梯的减速信号。 |
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